March 06, 2012


Gayla Elliff Slish

Hi Lucky: Once upon a time I was a Spelunker in a few Pineville caves. I loved exploring them with my friends, the Hootens. Their dad and my dad crawled through the "mile-long" cave (could have been known by another name) back in the 1970's. I remember crawling on my hands and knees for a very long time, and then being able to stand up and walk around in a fairly big room. We exited the cave at another location and found their mother and my mother very relieved. I'm sure they had spent most of the afternoon praying. We made it fine. We also had fun in and around "Jesse James Cave". I enjoyed the tales my dad (Mike Elliff) would tell about him sitting in a tree watching the 'Jesse James' movie being made. Good times. Good memories. Thanks for the cave info.

Mary DeLand

Lucky, How I remember the caves around Cyclone! One was a huge cave across Big Sugar and high on a hill. A dripping spring was just below it and my dad built a trough to catch water. I've carried many buckets of water from that trough; it was cold and delicious. Near the Rachel Mustain home was a cave called The Glass Haystack. We kids would often wander around looking for it and delighted when we found it; the huge haystack was beautiful. Few people knew about it.

.Marilyn .

Thanks for the input about the Henson Cave, Bob. I didn't know how big it was, but was told there was one room 400 ft across and that Ronald Raines and another boy got lost in it for three days. Ben and Craig explored a cave that you had do dive under water to get to the next part. He didn't tell me about it untill a few years ago and I still get a clutch in my stomach thinking about the chances those teen age boys took. I also remember Mr. Ware. He was a great music teacher. It is interesting that there is no longer an interest in commercializing our caves. We need to protect the bats and other rare species, but some of them could be very helpful to the local economy. I understand that Truitt's is for sale at an outrageous price and it was damaged by blasting at the nearby quarry. There was another commercial cave across the street and one on Elk River at one time. Well, the caves are still there, but not accessible to the public.

Marilyn York

This is a vicarious thrill for me as I don't like closed, underground places, but really enjoyed reading about all of them and Bob's personal rememberance.

Bob Kiple

Hi Lucky, Its me again, this time I am commenting on the caves in McDonald Co. That cave that was so popular on the new hiway, the one they closed to all. My self and Sevaris Henson, and some others, (cant remember just who else)We went intio that cave severial times exploring it very through. In 1954 we took our class mates into that cave for an outing and we had a great time.Mr Oliver Weare our class sponser was with us, he was the music teacher at Pineville high school. That was some cave and very long also. You could go back in it for over a mile and then go up stairs to some great big rooms. We were an adventurious bunch.

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