For those of you who have been around Marilyn for the past few years, you know that sometimes she has had problems getting around because her knees hurt when she walked. She is finally going to do something about it and is going to have a replacement of her left knee tomorrow afternoon (Aug. 18). She isn't really keen on the idea, but thinks it will be a good thing in the long run. She had polio when she was 6 years old and that has made the wear on her knees uneven. It is likely that she will also have to have the right knee fixed later, but didn't want to get both done at once, even though, apparently that is possible. Sounds awful to me.
I can speak with some authority as I have had knee surgery twice in my life. They didn't send me to rehab, though. I had to do that on my own. Dr. Wooden thought I was grown up enough to do that. We all have our doubts about Marilyn.
This will affect my writing schedule as I depend on her to gather news. She will be in the hospital 3 days and nights and then to to an as yet unknown “transition” site. ( I hope it isn't to outer space.) She has checked out four and narrowed the choices to two that are within a 5 mile range of our house. They are both 5 star rated by the state health department (the highest score) and offer rehab 7 days a week. Both looked nice and had private rooms so she will likely be happy either place. They are both in separate wings from the nursing care areas, so she will be able to focus on her own recovery.
Al is all set up to take care of himself (and us) and so I think we are good to go.
I will be back on line as soon as possible and Marilyn will have her laptop with her in rehab so she can communicate. Her e-mail address is zudi1940 at, in case any of my readers are interested.
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